Streamlining Clinician Workflows: 5 EHR Best Practices for 2023


Electronic health records (EHRs) have revolutionized the way healthcare providers manage patient information, but they can also create inefficiencies in clinician workflows if not utilized properly. In order to optimize EHR usage and improve patient care, healthcare organizations must implement best practices for clinician workflows in 2023. So without further ado, here are 5 best practices for streamlining clinician workflows in 2023.

1. Reduce Clicks and Navigation

Clinicians often complain about spending too much time clicking through different tabs and pages on the EHR platform, which can be frustrating and time-consuming. By reducing clicks and simplifying navigation, clinicians can save valuable time during their workday. This can be achieved by consolidating data into a single page and implementing fewer clicks when completing tasks. Additionally, healthcare organizations should consider adding filters to the system so that clinicians can quickly access the information they need.

2. Customize Templates and Alerts

EHR templates are a great tool for documenting patient information quickly and accurately, but generic templates may not always suit each individual clinician’s needs or specialties. Customizing templates to fit specific clinical scenarios can help streamline documentation processes. In addition, utilizing EHR alerts can help clinicians stay up-to-date with important tasks or changes in patient status without having to constantly check the EHR platform manually.

3. Implement Mobile Access

Mobile access to EHR platforms has become increasingly popular over the years due to its convenience and accessibility. By implementing mobile access, clinicians can easily access patient information from anywhere at any time, which can be especially useful in emergency situations. This can help them make informed decisions quickly and improve patient care.

4. Train Staff Effectively

Proper training is crucial when it comes to utilizing EHR platforms effectively. Healthcare organizations should invest in effective training programs that cater specifically to their staff’s needs and specialties. This will ensure that clinicians are equipped with the necessary skills to utilize EHR management software efficiently during their workday.

5. Encourage Feedback and Continual Improvement

Finally, encouraging feedback from staff members regarding their experiences with using the EHR platform is key in identifying areas of improvement within an organization’s workflow processes. Continually striving for improvement based on staff feedback will result in increased efficiency and better patient care outcomes.

To Conclude

By implementing these best practices for clinician workflows in 2023, healthcare organizations can optimize their use of electronic health records while improving overall efficiency and patient care outcomes. This will ultimately help to streamline processes, reduce costs, and ensure that clinicians have the resources they need to provide quality care. Thanks for reading.