Masters in Data Science in Singapore: What Careers Can You Pursue?


Once you graduate with a bachelor’s degree, your whole life is ahead of you. It is a milestone that is universally believed to be a stepping stone into adulthood. You are now ready to be in the career world. For some, it is merely a scratch on the surface of their education. Understandably, they think this way because there is so much one can learn in one lifetime. You might feel the same way.

Earning a master degree in Singapore is appealing to many. Several career-minded people see master’s degrees as a shortcut to a promotion in the corporate world, and it is sometimes right. Employers have high expectations for their prospective employees. If not met, not only will their workers get burnt out, they will forget that their purpose is not to please their bosses. The solution they found to avoid that is to switch to something different. Hence, the desire to pursue higher education.

However, some of these higher education dreams never pan out in reality. Why? The field they choose may not be in demand in today’s economy. If you do not want your master’s degree diploma to only be a sheet of paper that gives you a momentary boost of ego, you must choose your specialisation wisely.

To receive tangible career benefits and open several career paths, you should consider tapping into the field of technology. Specifically, the masters in data science in Singapore has been perceived as the key to unlocking a bright future. Since data is the new oil of the digital age, you would want to give it a chance! Let this article convince you that it is worth a try.


The Student Life in Singapore

There are diplomas offered in Tourism, seo expert singapore, Business Studies, and many specialised fields that may interest you. However, if you want to get into the hottest topics in technology in this timely world you live in, you should look into data science. Of course, there is no better country to take it except in one of the high-ranking countries that have adopted digital technology, Singapore!

What is it like to study in Singapore as a master degree student? Find out more about it below!


Safe and crime-free cities

One of the safest countries in the world, you can walk home at night without having to worry about getting robbed or kidnapped. Being in the top five safest cities in Asia-Pacific, students need only to worry about studying and learning. Of course, it does not mean that you should be lax. When you are outside, you should ensure that you walk with a purpose as to not attract attention to pickpockets criminals.

Warm weather

Coming from another country with a different climate, you would need some time to get used to the warm and humid weather in Singapore. While you might be happy that you would get a free tan here, there are plenty of things to be happy about living in warm conditions.

As a student or a part-time MBA in Singapore, the warm sun in your skin can put you in a better mood. It is what you would want after the piling up of school works at the nearing end of a semester. Going out in the sun signals your body and your brain to produce more happy hormones. Also known as serotonin, these are hormones that can make you happy and uplift your mood!

Learn different cultures

Singapore is a multicultural country. You would be meeting people from India, China, Malaysia, among other neighbouring countries. It would not be hard to notice the coexistence of their traditions with the cosmopolitan traditions of the country. Thus, if you want to gain knowledge outside of the four-walled classroom, you can start by meeting fellow students who came from different parts of the world!

Find your passion

Have you always been fond of technology? Well, you would like Singapore. As an information and technology hub in the Asia Pacific region, citizens have a better living, stronger communities, and have a pool of career opportunities when it comes to data science. It is the field that has become a key resource in a wide range of industries.

Finding your passion does not happen in an instant. However, when it comes to data and information, you would not want to pass up the opportunity to have a masters in data science or masters in data analytics in Singapore. These are only a few of the fields of study that you can get in a technologically advanced country. You might be surprised by the high demand for people like you in the business world. It may give you the chance to shape your career in the future!


What are the Data Science Careers that Can Shape Your Future?

They say that if you love what you do, you would never have to work a day in your life. So, what if it is the data science that you are passionate about?

Data science is the field of study that combines domain expertise and programming skills to extract insights and meaning from vast amounts of data. With the use of scientific methods, algorithms, and processes, you can discover patterns from raw data. It is often compared with data analytics. Essentially, their difference lies in what they do with the data. A data analyst will examine data to identify trends and develop charts and create visual presentations to help business in their decision making.

The careers for the masters in data analytics in Singapore would be discussed in another article. For now, you must know the lucrative careers that will open to you when you finish a master’s degree in data science. Learn what they are below:


Data scientist

Finding, cleaning, and organising data for companies. In one company, you would have to find patterns that will be advantageous for them. Using your skills in processing and application, they need you to help them drive strategic business decisions from what you have found in their collected complex and raw information.

On average, you could be earning in the range of S$500 to S$30,000 monthly. It is a big reward for your passion for solving complex problems that have real-world implications!

Applications architect

Do you love playing games on your phone during your spare time? If so, why not turn that enthusiasm into something! An applications architect may not be in a course you can take like a master degree in Singapore, but getting a data science degree would lead you to that. Your job would be to track the behaviour of applications used within a business. Also, to find out how they interact with each other and with users.

On average, you can expect your salary to range between S$93,000 and S$132,000. All that you need to take is applying technical knowledge and architect solutions to meet the business and IT needs.

Data engineer

When talking about the fastest-growing job, all eyes would be looking at data engineers. In 2019, it is estimated that it is growing 50% in demand. As anyone would say, data is the new oil, and data engineers can build reservoirs for them. They will develop, construct, test, and maintain a business’ data-storing architecture, such as databases and large-scale data processing systems.

On average, you can earn in the range of S$60,000 to S$100K! As long as you create a robust and interconnected data ecosystem, you can have a secured future for yourself and your family.


One of the professions where you can maximise what you have learned in your masters in data science in Singapore is becoming a statistician. Your duty is to collect, analyse, and interpret data. For what? As always, you would need them to identify trends and relationships. From what you have concluded, businesses can use this to make an informed decision.

On average, you would be looking at S$4,000 to S$102,000. You have a long list of industries that you can choose to work in because many businesses need a statistician to give vital inputs to make calculated and informed decisions in the formulation of policies and strategies for their future!

Data analyst

As mentioned, businesses and organisations are increasingly reliant on data to make decisions, including developing products and services, new investments to make, and target new customers. Even when there is a separate course for being a data analyst, you still have a chance to be one despite choosing data science.

By bringing together theory and practice to identify data-driven insights, you can give your employers data visualization, predictive analytics, and risk management in their business environments. Trust that learning programming language is worth it because you would be earning an average of S$45,000 to S$108,000. It would be rewarding to get it by understanding the business needs, formulating end-to-end analysis, and automating reports for analytical purposes.


What to Do to Manage Student Stress?

Data science experts are needed in several industries, from government security to dating applications. With the millions of businesses that rely on you to utilise big data to succeed and enhance their customers’ experience, you would want to choose between getting a part-time MBA in Singapore.

If you decide to independently face university life in another country, you must remember some ways to manage your stress to fuel your motivation! Here are some you can follow:


Do daily exercise

You do not need a gym session to do daily exercises. By simply going for a brisk walk or a bike ride, your body releases endorphins that make you feel good. Also, it goes hand-in-hand with good mental health!

Talk to someone

Humans are social beings. Thus, isolating would not do anything to speed up your time to get that master degree in Singapore. As much as possible, you must always have someone to talk with, such as your family and friends because socialising can reduce your stress levels as well as improve your mood.

Learn time management

Stress is induced by the feeling of running out of time to complete a task. You must know that relaxing when you are stressed from the piles of schoolwork you have would not do you good. Instead, you must create a written schedule to help you break your tasks down to become manageable!

Remember to take a break

Maintaining a sleep routine is vital to mental health and managing stress. You would not want to get your diploma for your masters in data science in Singapore when you are at your wit’s end. Thus, you must always get seven to eight hours of sleep regularly.

Eat healthily

Without your parents to cook for you, the junk food section of the grocery store might be your best friend. Even if it is effortless to have them, you should always choose to eat healthily to give you a boost of energy and help your body to manage the tiring life of being a student.


A Bright Future in Career with Amity Global Institute

Singapore is a country that has some of the top universities around the world. Being a developed country, it is no surprise that it is the top choice for international students. Whether parents want their child to be in preschool level or an adult who wants to become a part-time MBA student, everyone is welcome.

Amity Global Institute Singapore is part of the world-renowned Amity Education group. They are dedicated to honing their path-breaking innovation in science and technology to create a world of great academicians and global-minded corporate achievers. With industry-standard education, they align with their other institutional partners. It is likened to bringing the excellence of the University of London here in Singapore. Thus, if you want to have a lucrative career and provide a comfortable future for your family, you should take your dreams to Amity.

If you want to explore your potential under the guidance of future-looking professors and instructors, you should send them an application form. Learn how you can get in touch with the people in Amity by visiting their website today!